Thoughts on the 2008 MySQL Conference and Expo
TweetWed, May 7, 2008 12:48 PM
Again this year, the Phorum team was invited to be a part of the DotOrg Pavilion. What is that? Basically they just give expo floor space to open source projects. It is cool. We had a great location this year. We were right next to the area where they served food and drinks during the breaks. We had lots of traffic and met some of our power users. is getting 1.5 million messages per month in their Phorum install. They did have to customize it to fit into their sharding. But, that is expected. A guy (didn't catch his name) from Innobase came by and told us that they just launced InnoDB support forums on their site using Phorum. Cool. So now MySQL and Innobase use Phorum. I am humbled by the message that sends to me about Phorum.
Speaking of our booth, we were right next to the phpMyAdmin guys. Wow, that product has come a long way. I was checking out the visual database designer they have now. It was neat. I also met the Gentoo MySQL package maintainer. He was in the phpMyAdmin booth.
I was interviewed by WebDevRadio as I already posted. I was also asked to do a short Q&A with the Sun Headlines video team. They used one part of my clip. I won't link to that. No, if you find it good for you. I need to be interviewed some more or something. I did not look comfortable at all.
There were lots of companies with open in their name or slogan. I guess this is expected pandering.
I attended part of the InnoDB talk given by Mark Callaghan of Google. It appears that Google is serious about improving InnoDB on large machines. That is, IMO, good news for anyone that likes InnoDB. If I counted right, they had more than 5 people who at least part of their job is to improve InnoDB.
I gave my two talks. The first had low attendance, but the feedback was nice. It was just after the snack break in the expo hall and I was in the farthest room from the expo hall. That is what I keep telling myself. =) The second was better attended and the feedback seemed good there. I was told by Maurice (Phorum Developer) that I talked too fast and at times sounded like Mr. Mackey from South Park by repeating the word bad a lot. I will have to work on that in the future. I want to do more speaking.
On the topic of my second talk, there seemed to be a lot of "This is how we scaled our site" talks. I for one found them all interesting. Everyone solves the problem differently.
Next year I am thinking about getting more specific with my talk submissions. Some ideas include: PHP, MySQL and Large Data Sets, When is it ok to denormalize your data?, Using memcached (not so much about how it works), Index Creation (tools, tips, etc.).
In closing, I want to give a big thanks to Jay Pipes and Lenz Grimmer from MySQL. Despite Jay's luggage being lost he was still a big help with some registration issues among other things. Both of them helped out the Phorum team a great deal this year. Thanks guys.
Dan Says:
Is your scaling talk available in audio or video?