Getting all SOAPY
TweetWed, Nov 8, 2006 08:29 PM
Part of this project required using web services with several different data suppliers. Most support simple REST and SOAP, but some only offer SOAP. So, given that I bit the bullet and enabled the SOAP extension for PHP5. Wow! I was happily surprised. The last SOAP code I had looked at was the old PEAR code. It was not that attractive to me. It required a lot of work IMO to talk SOAP.
Now, with just 3 lines of code, I can get back a nice object that has all the data I need. Kudos to Brad Lafountain, Shane Caraveo, Dmitry Stogov and anyone else that worked on this extension. It definitely made my life easier. Its so easy, I am actually looking forward to making a SOAP server with some of our data.
On another note, I have been a little disappointed with the MySQL FullText relavance matching. I know that single term searches are not really easy to deal with. But, sometimes, even multiword searches don't yield what I would hope. For example, a search for Windows XP yields 2 systems that includes Windows XP as 2 of the top 4 matches. There are two other matches there that are good matches. And, yes, I do have my min length set to 2. I am thinking about giving Sphinx a shot to see if its relevance ranking is any better.
Anyone have a good home grown algorithm for relevance?
Andrew Aksyonoff Says:
Well, MySQL FTS does not care about word positions, while Sphinx pulls phrase matches to the top, so multi-word searches could definitely be better.
Single-word queries would at receive the same rank as of 0.9.7-RC1. However 0.9.8 is going to include statistical ranking; this will help single-word searches a lot.